Friday, June 15th
(Deut. 8) 1 Cor.10:16,17. John 6:51-58

Accept what We give you in the totality of loving. The Father has loved into being all that exists: all issues from His loving action. And I, His Beloved and Loving Son, came into His world of humanity to redeem all that desires redemption. I am the self-giving love in the hearts and minds of all seeking the way to meaning and to wholeness, and little by little I bring all to that union with Him which He purposed from the beginning. But all who reject Love's call and challenge exclude themselves from all that We yearn to bestow on them.

Through the bread from the grain and the fruit of the vine offered and blest in the Name of the All-Loving Father I enter the souls of the faithfully committed, uniting them each individually with the Father and with Our Holy Spirit. And this union in Us, prospering as We are welcomed, unites all the faithful with all now in the presence of All-Loving.