Friday, June 1st
Acts 25:13-21. John 21:15-19

Trust in the Father's care and loving kindness but pray to know His will in all things. His dynamic purpose has been in His world from the beginning: it is an enduring principle and a pattern of continual growth and resurgence in the world of nature. But mankind He has endowed with intellect and ability to reason and - above all - to love and withhold love. And love is the substance and the essence of Our Being.

Each child of man whoever lived or ever will is called to share Our Being and Our Loving through responding to the light and love which he receives from the beginning. The ability to respond and to mature in growth within his soul grows through single-mindedness in thought and action and through integrity of heart and mind . To such Our will and loving purpose is made known, Our saving, sanctifying love prodigally offered to the faithful and the true of heart. So does the beloved, faithful son and daughter of the loving Heavenly Father develop and mature, making his contribution to the Father's Kingdom of eternal love.