Tuesday, July 4th
St. Anthony Zaccariah 16th
2 Tim. 1:13,14. 2:1-3. Mark 10:13-16

There is a truth in fact and also in interpretation of that fact. Many live the truth though ignorant of the fact as they seek truth and power to walk in it. I am that Fact, Incarnate Truth made manifest in human form. This is the simple truth and profound reality : the simplest can relate to it and embrace it in their hearts and minds, the brilliant mind still probes the meaning after probing all his life, and marvels at the wondrous Mystery.

Alert the sons of men to the tremendous, glorious mystery which We unfold in them as they seek truth in love and self-giving. Be Our truth to them through your obedience and faithfulness, and help Us challenge them through your self-giving to take Our saving, sanctifying love within their hearts and minds.