Monday, July 3rd
Ephesians 2:19-22. John 20:24-29

The Father's loving purpose is to draw all He has created into fulfilment and perfection through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. The sons of men are given freedom to respond or to refuse this great and glorious invitation and challenge in His world.

I, the Father's Beloved before creation, was with Him in this cosmic undertaking . In time I entered human life to redeem and save all that He had lovingly created. For sin and selfishness had marred the world He lovingly created . And through My life in time, My death, My risen life, each child of man has access to the means of his redemption, and through a positive response, in sharing in the process of redemption. The way is total self-giving to the grace and power of My Indwelling: herein is the means of individual and corporate progress in the structure of the Father's holy temple of Eternal Love.

Pray, then, for faith and constancy and commitment both for yourself and for the Father's total household. Let Me increasingly dwell in your heart and mind with Father and with Holy Spirit. Each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father has infinite capacity for holiness as he commits himself to Our redeeming, sanctifying love.