

Sunday, July 23rd
Jeremiah 23:1-6. Ephes. 2:13-18. Mark 6:30-34

I am the Resurrection and the Life, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. So I unite all seeking truth and peace and righteousness with their Creator who also is their loving Heavenly Father. I reconcile each one who seeks for truth with power to walk in it with the All-Holy source of beauty, justice, peace , and love. For through My incarnate life, My death, and through My risen life I am the Eternal Reconciler for all in every age and place and time, for individual and community. Known or unrecognised I operate and save where love prompts action , for I am the power and substance of self - giving love, the Father's reconciler in the world He makes for peace and joy, for progress and fulfilment in the Kingdom of eternal love.