April 7th
John Baptist de la Salle
2 Tim. 1:13-14,2:1-5. Matt.
In weakness and humility
I entered human life. I,
the Father's Son beloved,
became a helpless babe,
subject to the deprivations
and dangers of the human
situation. But the Father's
love was My defence, His
loving care around My coming
and My going. . And so it
is for all the Father's
children. Sadness and pain
and suffering come to all:
such is the situation in
a fallen world. But full
maturity will come to each
child of the loving Heavenly
Father in the Kingdom of
His love who follows faithfully
in the Way. For so the Father
has ordained through the
power of Our saving, sanctifying
love. Let humility and love
and trust be your approach
to Our leading in the way.
So will you come to your
fulfilment in the Kingdom
of the Father and be a signpost
to many seeking theirs.