Thursday, April 27th
Acts 3:26. Luke 24:35-48

Believe and see how all that has been prophesied in ages past has been fulfilled. Even sin itself, rebellion against the Father's loving purpose, cannot destroy the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. For love is the greatest power in the world, the totality of all life in all worlds and beyond.

But there must be a turning in the souls of all beloved children of the Father, desire for truth and for reality and its challenge in all its fullness.

I am the Resurrection and the Life, the means of wholeness and perfection. Let there be a turning in the hearts and minds of all who hear the Word and a continual offering of the total self to My Indwelling in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. So will the Father's Kingdom be increasingly established in His world and joy will be triumphant over sin and suffering.