Monday, April 24th
Isaiah 42:10-16. 1Peter 1:1-12. Luke 24:13-35. ASB
Acts 2:14,22-33, Matt. 28:8-11

Rejoice in hope and everlasting joy and let that great awakening in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love keep you in all you are and do both now and evermore. Such is the message I proclaim to all the faithfully committed in My saving love and risen life. Put all darkness, fear and failure behind, beloved children of the loving Heavenly Father. Have I not vanquished all the power of sin and death through My great timeless offering? Let all the sons of men avail themselves of My eternal sacrifice in love and self-giving and put on the garment of salvation which I offer them that I may present them to the Father in the power and glory of eternal life.