Wednesday, January 6th
Isaiah 49:6

The Father of al light and power is continually present in His whole creation, illumining, sustaining and empowering all that is. And all that is bears witness to His purposeful activity. Love is the nature and the substance of His Being: in love He has created all that is, through love all is redeemed and sanctified that gives itself to Love's tremendous purpose.

And I, beloved of the Father from the beginning, have been His sun of righteousness and power and light from the beginning. From primeval chaos and primordial darkness I, with Our Holy Spirit, brought the Father's worlds to their appointed place according to His will and loving purpose. And the mind of man We brought into the order of the rational and spiritual, offering him that freedom which is the means of his maturity, fulfilment and perfection through Our saving, sanctifying love.

I am the life and light and truth to each child of man in every generation. All who are in Me and I in them become reflected light and power and love to countless others in the Father's glorious world according to His will and loving purpose.