Friday, January 22nd
St. Vincent, deacon and martyr
We are only earthenware vessels
1 Cor.4, Mark 10

Let all the sons of men who follow faithfully rejoice. And let them seek find what the Father purposes that they become. Each child of man is His, each fashioned to fulfil His will and loving purpose both for the individual and community and for the Father's Kingdom in time and through eternity.. But all are free to choose their eternal destiny as they pursue their life from day to day. And as they choose the way of love and of self-giving so do We enter heart and mind to create within the frail and temporary vessel a soul to reflect the glory of the Father and to grow in the power and knowledge of Our saving, sanctifying love.

As the faithfully committed hollow out themselves to receive Our love so do they increasingly become Our image of the Father's likeness which He designed before time was, each one uniquely different yet each reflecting the glory of his Eternal Presence. And each is given the Father's word to speak according to the circumstance. Such are Our saints, but all are called to become the Father's vessels, filled with the power and glory of his Eternal Love.