Sunday, January 31st
1 Cor 3:10-17, John 2:13-22

The whole creation is reaching out for perfection both material and spiritual. And the Total Godhead is involved in this the Father's will and loving purpose. The life residing in each cell reflects the beauty, power and grandeur of the whole no less than that which courses through the macrocosm. And all identifying with the conception of perfection is brought along the way of its fulfilment to its appointed end.

To mankind the Father gives a special place and part in this great cosmic undertaking and offers man a share in making and renewing as he aligns himself in love and trust and faithfulness. Our Holy Spirit rests within thee heart and mind of each child of man, awaiting that response which makes for growth and for development of his true self which is Our gift; such is what men call 'soul'.

And I, the Father's Word and Love Incarnate, enter, cleanse, refresh and renew each soul who seeks the truth and makes commitment to it. And with Our Holy Spirit I bring the faithful ones along the way to their fulfilment in the glorious, loving presence of the Father as We progress and grow in them.