Wednesday, April 3rd
The doors were shut but Jesus came and stood among them and said,
"Peace be with you"
John 20:19,26

I know of the doubts, the sadnesses and the sense of loss in the hearts and minds of each and every one of the Father's beloved children. I strengthen, cheer, and set upon the way many who do not see My face or know My Name. All who look to Me in faith and loving trust I accompany in their trouble, hold and confirm them in present and future involvements. Only the mind that is closed finds no solace, but unless it rejects My approach I am silently present in love,

Discover My Presence in all things as you follow the way of Our leading. Be aware of My peace and My blessing in all you endeavour as you seek and follow the Father's good purpose.

Be aware of the many who are without the assurance of My Presence or the knowledge of the love of the Father. Let Us be the light in your eyes, the love in your heart for the one and the many. As We make Our Presence in you, so will others see Our peace and Our Presence.