Friday, April 19th
Jesus said, As I who am sent by the living Father Myself draw life from the Father so whoever eats Me will draw life from me"
John 6:57

The Father and I are one, one in the totality of love which is the measure of all that is. When I came down to earth, taking upon My self that humankind and human situation which all the Father's children know and share I lived and taught that love, died to redeem through love,, and through love it was that I rose from the dead. So as the Father, in His love, sent me to show His love to all the sons of men I looked to Him at all times in My incarnate life to show the way and provide all that was needed to accomplish it.

And through my death and risen life I offer light and leading, the means and sustenance to proceed along the way. Learn from Me, take from me, brothers and sisters of my humanity. See and understand what I have done for you. Learn in humility and love the meaning of My sacrifice and triumph ; take to yourself that which I provide for your wayfaring.

So will you receive My love which also is My life. And you will live in Me and I in you. Such is the Father's loving purpose for every child of man.