Sunday, October 8th
Genesis 2:18-24. Hebrews 1:1-4,2:5-12. Mark 10:2-16

The One Who is the pattern of all human life is also the salvation of each child of man who looks for purpose, wholeness and fulfilment. The world has never been without the Father's word which He revealed from the beginning to put each child of man upon the path of righteousness and life eternal. But in the course of time the Father's Son, beloved and loving , entered human life, offering His obedience to the Father and through His suffering , death, and resurrection the means to life eternal .

I am that One, the Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, the chief among all humans and yet serving all. At the threshold of each soul I knock - not once but many times. As I am given entry I cleanse, inspire , enable , and bring joy .

Let all who seek to follow in My footsteps seek the Father's will and loving purpose through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of |Our Holy Spirit. In quietness and confidence is found fulfilment, and in humility and single-mindedness of mind and heart.