Sunday, October 1st
Joel :-27. 1 Tim.2:1-7. Matt. 6:25-37

The Father is the Lord of all things both in earth and Heaven. But He has given freedom to the sons of men to share in the creation process in the power of His comprehensive love. Through wrong choice and perversity mankind has suffered separation from the Father’s loving purpose: the pain and anguish not infrequently falls upon the faithfully committed in Our love. Love ceaselessly works to cleanse and to redeem the souls of all who turn from selfishness and perversity. For this I lived and died and rose again: to save the sons of men from failing to obtain their most glorious heritage and to be their life and light and power in The Way. And I am the strength and consolation of all who suffer: Love is the means and fulfilment to and in eternal life.