Friday, October 20th
Ephesians 1:11-14. Luke 12:1-7

What more is there to say? The Father's comprehensive, all-embracing love, creating all things in the glorious panoply of earths and universes, invites the children of His love in this small corner of His whole creation to participate in the great process of becoming and of being . And I , His Son , beloved and loving Him , part and dynamic of the total operation, have entered human life to make this possible . My death, My Presence in My risen life, are offered to each child of man to bring him to the Father . Each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father is free to choose or to refuse his glorious destiny. Each is enabled to confront the challenge and reward We offer in his own situation and tradition: I am the means, the power, the Presence, Our loving Holy Spirit the Illuminator and the Guide along the way .

In trust and faithfulness the way is found and followed . Pain , problems , yes , and failures too are swallowed up in My triumphant offering to the Father - of the defeat of sin and death through My self-giving . What keeps you, then , from your self-giving to the Father ?