Saturday, October 28th
Ss. Simon and Jude
Ephesians 2:19-22. Luke 6:12-19

There is safety , surety , solidarity and joyful certainty in the Kingdom and the Presence of the Father . Through the mystery of My Incarnate life and through My death and risen life I have revealed the Father's most glorious love and opened it for all the faithfully committed to reality and self-giving in their life and living. That which they had lost through individual and corporate sin and failure I restored and continually offer to each child of man who seeks to follow as he is led and guided. Through Our redeeming, sanctifying love that innocence is restored which he had lost through sin and failure.

And as commitment is the purpose of their heart and mind progress, growth and maturity are assured through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit and the holiness of the one becomes the wholeness of the many . In Our love is the enwholing power in individual and community.