Saturday, October 21st
Ephesians 1:15-23. Luke 12:8-12

The Father, Lord of all the worlds and universes, calls the whole of His creation to share the greatness and the beauty and the glory of His being Most glorious is He Whom the Father loved from the beginning and reigns in glory with the Father from the beginning with all the redeemed and sanctified through Our redeeming love. His glory is obedience which enables Him to share the power and the fullness of All-Being.

I am the Father's loved and loving Son, His Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. . In Me is all fullness of the Father for I have triumphed over sin and death. The fruits of My obedience and My triumph I offer all the sons of men whoever lived or ever will. As they desire to know and do the Father's will so are they enabled and inspired through My Incarnate life and death and resurrection and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Through love and trust and obedience to the word the faithfully committed grow in their sonship to the Father . And through My life in you the Father's will is known and done according to the measure of your faithfulness. Herein is fullness and perfection and a sharing in that power and glory which the Father has stored up for all the faithfully committed in Our love. I speak to one, I speak to all .