Wednesday, October 4th
St. Francis of Assisi
Galatians 6:14-18. Matt. 11:25-30

Be open to the word which constantly is written on your soul as you continue faithful. As it becomes your food and nourishment so do you become Our message in the Father's world. I speak to one, I speak to all . The Father has no favourites but He bestows eternal life on all who seek His will and loving purpose that they reveal His love in what they are and what they are becoming. And each one has his name and place within the Kingdom of the Father.

And I, the Father's Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love am the means and the fulfilment. I am the way to fullness in the personality of each and the means of doing all the Father wills and purposes.

My suffering, the inevitable consequence of sin, was also the path to man's redemption. As each takes on the mantle of My saving grace so is he enabled to become and do the Father's will - as he continues faithful. When suffering comes he learns, by little and by much, that I am with him. So is he enabled in the course of time and through the power of My Indwelling, to unite his suffering with the suffering of humanity and the mystery of the Cross with the Father's comprehensive , all-embracing love .