Sunday, October 15th
Wisdom 7:7-11. (Amos 5,6. 6:10-15.)Hebrews 4:12-16. Mark 10:2-16

Did I not show throughout My life on earth that those who wait upon the Father in love and self-giving are fulfilled in all things? Hardships they may well endure - and suffering too - - but underlying joy is theirs , for they increasingly find solidarity in Us and with all faithfully committed in Our love and service and self giving .

In humility and obedience to the Father's will and loving purpose the Son of Man I redeemed mankind. Through My Indwelling and the light and power of Our dynamic Holy Spirit all committed to Our saving, sanctifying love become a part of Our redeeming and enwholing purpose.

So live, so love, so serve that you complete your pilgrimage and arrive in your eternal home rejoicing .