Tuesday, June 9th
Jesus said, "I am the door of the sheep….
I came that they may have life and may have it abundantly"
John 7:10

I am the Father's love, His light, His power of life in time and through eternity. That all who seek the truth and power to walk in it might have that life the Father yearns to give to His beloved children I entered human life. suffered, died and rose again . And I offer to each child of man My saving love for his redemption and salvation. I am The Way. The Truth, The Life: through Me the faithfully committed perceive the way, receive the truth with power to walk in it and share abundant life with all the redeemed and sanctified.

Commitment is a life-time's work and occupation, with failures, sadnesses and pain along the way : but my Presence may be found in every situation as it is sought. And I bind up the wounds , console the broken -hearted and restore the fallen as I am sought and entertained : and I bring each faithful child nearer the Father through each experience offered to Our saving, sanctifying love and the Father' loving purpose. For I am in the faithfully committed and they in Me, and I am in the Father and he in Me in time and through eternity.