Monday, June 22nd
Matthew 7:1-5

All who desire to know and do the Father's will are drawn into His love as they pursue the way in faithfulness. And when from time to time they fail to follow in the way through lack of charity in thought or action My saving love, as it is sought, restores and reinstates.

And as they are forgiven by their Heavenly Father and reinstated in the way so must they forgive all who may offend or hurt them. . The law of love is one and undivided and all are children of the Father. Each child is individually loved into existence , each one tended and progressed as if there were no other . All who identify with the well-being of their fellowmen are enriched by the deep resources of the Father's love.

And I, the Father's saving love to each and every child in the Father's Kingdom, offer My healing love in every situation as it is sought :through the grace and power of My Indwelling Presence I make all things new . And I bring the Father's will and loving purpose into those situations which before were hostile and destructive.