Saturday, June 6th
There were many other things that Jesus did ; if all were written down, the world itself, I suppose, would not hold the books that would have to be written
John 21:25

Each beloved child of your loving Heavenly Father is a book which He presents to His potential world for the unveiling and revealing of His will and loving purpose . His way is through continuous creation: mankind He has endowed to share the power and the responsibility of the undertaking. Each has his contribution, and as the individual so the community and tribe and nation.

I am His Word, and I offer meaning, light and life in every part of chapter of each book, and in every character and relationship as I am invited and empowered. Our Holy Spirit illumines, inspires and leads as He is given leave.

The whole is vibrant with potential and expectancy. Our Total Godhead is inextricably involved in the whole creative process. For I have entered, suffered, saved, redeemed and - with our Holy Spirit - sanctified the whole.

Each child of man is invited to become an open book to the glory of the Father for his own perfection and fulfilment and for the service of his fellowmen. All who accept are commissioned and enabled to reflect the Father's glory and to fulfil the Father's will and loving purpose through Our saving, sanctifying love and through the grace and power of Our Indwelling Presence.