Friday, June 19th
Jesus said, "The lamp of the body in the eye . It follows that if your eye is sound your whole body will be filled with light"
Matthew 6:22

I am the light of all who seek the Father's will and loving purpose and with Our Holy Spirit illumine and empower the way to absolute self-giving and so to holiness. Holiness is received through Our Indwelling and it imparts the imprint of the Father's love on all who give themselves in singleness of mind and purity of heart.

And all who attain to singleness of mind and purity of heart through the grace and power of Our Indwelling , and follow in the way, identify with Me and my incarnate life and purpose.

And My incarnate purpose was to be the way, the truth, the life to every child of man responding to our love. Our love in them becomes integrity and single-mindedness, and these essential qualities of Our faithful ones shine through the mind and heart and spirit attracting others into the way of faithfulness and of self-giving.