Friday, June 26th
A leper came up to Jesus and bowed low in front of Him "Sir", he said, "if you want to you can cure me". Jesus stretched out His hand , touched him and said, "Of course I want to ! Be cured !" And his leprosy was cured at once
Matthew 8:2-3

Each child of man is born with the potential of perfection . But perfection is the Father's gift , bestowed when time is overtaken by eternity, according to the faithfulness of each and through Our saving, sanctifying love.

Let all who look for point and purpose in their lives strive for perfection in those things which they are asked to do and in that which they are called to be. The Father has designed each one of his beloved children differently . Each has his own perfection to achieve and his vocation to fulfil in the daily minutiae of daily life and in the complex corporate life of each community. Wholeness of mind and spirit is given to those who seek it through the power of Our Indwelling.

Those there are who glorify the Father through physical and mental disability . Great is the contribution of these great and generous ones to the Father's world. And they will gloriously shine in the Father's eternal Kingdom.