Monday, June 29th
Jesus said (to Simon Peter) "……..When you grow old you will stretch out your hands and somebody else will put a belt round you and take you where you would rather not go"
John 21:18

Die daily to that spirit which is at odds with service of the Father. Seek nothing but His will and loving purpose. So will you follow Me. Nothing in Heaven or earth is more important than service of his will; nothing more gloriously fulfilling than discovering His purpose and living in the light of it.

This was My commitment in My life and death and resurrection. Such is the purpose of my life in every one of Our committed ones. For His loving purpose is that every one who seeks to follow in the way is brought into the aura of His loving Presence through the light and power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

And all who follow in the way will know the pain and share the privilege of vicarious suffering. Have I not trod the way before and do I not ceaselessly identify with each beloved follower who offers theirs to me ? So are We bound together in the pain and joy of redemptive, sacrificial love.