Monday, June 8th
God so loved the world that He gave His only Son so that everyone who believes Him may not be lost but have eternal life
John 3:15-16

The world came into existence through the Father's love: through it the Father's majesty and beauty is expressed, His love through His self-giving to its form and nature. Above all His love is seen and known in man, received, experienced and entertained directly and through relationships.

But mark this well : the nature of true love is in self-giving. Continually the Father gives Himself to His Beloved Son in love and absolute self-giving, the Son to His Beloved Father. Ceaselessly Our Holy Spirit , both fire and power in love and in self-giving, reveals , illumines, empowers the Father's will and loving purpose in all that is or was or ever shall be.

For this the Father gave Me to His world of men and of created beings : to show the pattern of a humble life as he intended It and through My union with him to redeem His world made alien through sin and through unloving. And I, in My incarnate manhood, identified in all things and through My love and absolute self-giving redeemed and saved the Father's world for all and every time and people. But each beloved child of the loving heavenly Father must make his act of faith in that within himself which calls to love and faith and trust and to absolute self-giving. I am the Father's love made manifest : have faith and trust in Me.