Sunday, July 30th
Jesus said, "I give you a new commandment: love one another as I have loved you. By this love you have for one another everyone will know that you are My disciples".
John 13:34-35

Love one another in the strength and power and joy which I love you. As you receive the love which the Father is pouring out to you through Me by the power of our Holy Spirit, you are receiving My Very Self. As you receive Me and make a place in the centre of your being for My Indwelling so are you enabling My love to minister beyond you to the Father's world. As I love you, and others through you, recognise my Presence and harness to yourself My power in loving.

This is how I am able to command you to love your fellowmen and women, your neighbour, your kinsmen and children of the Father of all nations, because I provide the means and the power of loving.

Let the Father's Kingdom on earth be powerfully extended by an increase of deep and true loving. So will more and more of the Father's beloved children be liberated for joy and for service in His Kingdom of light and life and love.