Monday, July 17th
Jesus said to His Disciples, "Everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear. What I say in the dark tell in the daylight; what you hear in whispers proclaim from the housetops"
Matthew 10:27

- Lord, how may one have the wisdom and know the occasion?

From a close daily walking with Me. From a dedication of each day, each hour, to the will of the Father revealed through the indwelling of the Son in the power of Our Holy Spirit.

From a searching of My Presence in person and circumstance, and obedience to inspiration and prompting received.

From an attention to the coming and going, to the way of life and living, the taking and giving.

No word or action of the faithful follower is without point or purpose for himself and for his community. Learn this of others, let it be understood by you as you seek perfection and as it is established in you through Our Indwelling.

Have nothing of your own, regard everything, each thought and every occasion as the rightful possession of Our Kingdom. As you belong to all in the Father's Kingdom so shall the Kingdom belong to you, so shall the Kingdom become your possession.

As you become the means of the expression of The Word so shall you become a vibrant, lively part of it.