Monday, July 24th
Jesus replied to the Scribes and Pharisees, "The only sign this generation will be given is the sign of the prophet Jonah"
Matthew 12:39

The sign of My rising from the dead is a sign to every single person in every generation. My teaching, My healing, My actions were a manifestation of that which was to be accomplished. Similarly, all teaching and healing and manifestations of good among My children in subsequent generations are a showing forth of the fruits of My Redemption. Even so did the Father state His all-embracing , all fulfilling love in the world He had and was creating by sending Me forth to live and die in the world of man that I might win for mankind the fruits of Resurrection.

This all-pervasive fact is at the heart of all life and living : to perceive , understand and let it grow in you is the clue to all successful living . All who live in the life and power of it will travel in the strength of it all their life, and it will provide ever-increasing fellowship with the Father in Me through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit and solidarity with all who are also in the way.

So the sign of Jonah is a sign of joy ad hope for all generations. There is no greater or more powerful sign. Rejoice in it and make it your guide and strength and comfort.