Thursday, July 20th
Jesus said, "Come to Me all you who labour and are overburdened and I will give you rest. Shoulder My yoke and learn from me for I am gentle and humble I heart and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, My yoke is easy and My burden is light"
Matthew 11:28-30

Herein is the keystone which the Father offers throughout the ages of men, namely My Indwelling Presence growing at the heart of all who seek to love and serve.

I am the light and the life, the strength and the fulfilment, the truth and the true vine. All who live I Me have life eternal and will grow into perfection according to the measure of their faithful commitment.

Through My death and resurrection all may walk in the way and reach towards that perfection and fulfilment which the Father has purposed for them in the fulness of time. This knowledge brings joy and peace to all who are true of heart, even through pain, sadness and loss: through occasional failure and falling when the path is refound.

And I look to all who travel and work and live in Me to share the yoke which I bear for every child fo the Father . The yoke is made glorious because it is shared with Me, and it is lightened by the knowledge of its bond with humanity Come.