Tuesday, January 3rd
1 John 2:22-28. John 1:19-28

The mind is able to identify the existence of truth as it is offered in the comings and the goings of daily life, but all knowledge – indeed life itself –comes from the Father, Lord Most High; and it is given to the beloved sons and daughters of the Father’s love to learn from each one another and from the accumulated knowledge and wisdom of the world.

Knowledge of the existence of the living, loving God is given only as it is sought, the mind open to receive all the Father, Lord Most High, seeks to give to every one of His beloved children that they may become ‘full sons and daughters’ seeking His will and loving purpose, denying self that Love my make Himself known in them and draw them to His Presence in and through the power of Our Holy Spirit.

The Father’s Love Incarnate is The Way, The Truth, The Life to all who seek to follow as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit. Respond and follow through Love’s Indwelling according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.