Tuesday, January 10th
Hebrews 2:5-12. Mark 1:21-28

To make perfect the imperfect, to heal and to enlighten the beloved children of the Most High the Father’s loving Word entered into the created world ‘made lower than the angels’ in time the Son of Man reigns eternally in eternity, for ‘having submitted to death by God’s grace He had to experience death for all mankind’.

To begin to understand this glorious mystery the beloved sons and daughters of the Father, Lord Most High are called to listen to the Father’s Word and in faith and trust and absolute self-giving, offer all they have and all they are to the loving heavenly Father who calls them to His glorious Presence and to obedience and faithfulness to His will and loving purpose in all they think and say and do.

Come, beloved sons and daughters of the Most High, brothers and sisters of the Son of Man, glorify the Father in and through My sacrificial offering and follow Me in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.