Monday, February 27th
Ecclesiasticus 17:24-29. Mark 10:17-27

All that you have and all that you are has been given you by the Father, Lord Most High, to establish you in His world and enable you to know and do His will according to His loving purpose for you and for those whom you encounter in your life and living. I speak to every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in ever place and time.

The Lord your God is merciful and loving and seeks to draw all His beloved sons and daughters to His glorious Presence in time and eternity in fellowship with all who walk faithfully in His Kingdom of Eternal Life and Light and Love. All are one in faith and trust and self-giving in and through the grace and power of Love’s indwelling and the light and leading of our Holy Spirit.

Praise and glorify the Father, Lord Most High. Thank Him for His Love and blessings and offer all you have and are to His will and loving purpose.