Wednesday, April 26th
Acts 5:17-26. John 5:16-21

God is love: proclaim this from the housetops and pray that Love may fill your heart and mind and that Our life and light and leading may progress you in the Way and bring you to perfection and fulfilment in eternity in the glorious Presence of Him who loved you into being.

I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, am the Light of the world, the Way, the Truth and the Life in time and eternity, ‘for God so loved the world that he gave His only Son that everyone who has faith in Him may not die but have eternal life’.
(John 3:6)

Through My indwelling and the light and leading of Our Holy Spirit I am the Way to receiving the fulness of the Father’s love as it is offered them, identifying the Father’s will for them in the context of their life and living and power to do it in and through the grace and power of Our love.