Thursday, April 13th
Maundy Thursday
Exodus 12:1-8. 11-145. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26. John13:1-15

Through knowledge of your inner self and acceptance of Our cleansing, redeeming and forgiving love – and in deep humility - accept that which the Son of Man offers you, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

So will the Father’s loving purpose be fulfilled in you as you constantly return to the realisation, understanding and acceptance of Our redeeming, sanctifying love, and you will make progress in the Way as you continue faithful - in fellowship with all who walk humbly in the Way and give themselves to the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.

For it is not for you only that the Father’s Love Incarnate offers Himself to the will and loving purpose of the Father, Lord Most High, to bring you to His Presence in time and eternity: you are called to be a means of Our love reaching out to all the Father’s beloved sons and daughters in every place and race and time, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.

But it is in humility and absolute self-giving that the seeker after truth receives the salvation offered, with grace and power to minister to those to whom We send them, and the promise of perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s glorious Presence in the fulness of eternity.

MaundyThursday: 7.p.m. – 9.p,m

The bread blessed by My prayer and blessing and taken into the very being of the faithful and obedient in Our love is life and light and truth - and progress n the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love to all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling.

Take, eat, and let the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying Love progress you in the Way that you may become Our living, loving power to others in the Father’s world – as you are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I, the Son of Man, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, speak to every one of His beloved daughters in time and through eternity.