Wednesday, May 6th
Acts 15:1-6. John 15:1-8

Desire the truth in all you say and think and do: I speak to one, I speak to every one. To one and all the Father’s will is offered and His love to do it through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. And so it is for families, communities and nations: in and through the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate justice, peace and faithfulness in love and self-giving take root and grow and increase to the glory of the Father and the fulfilment of His loving purpose in the one and many in His world.

Then make your home in Me as I make Mine in you…….it is to the glory of My Father that you should bear much fruit and fulfil His loving purpose for and in you through the grace and power of Our redeeming sanctifying love.
(John 15:1-8.)