Tuesday, May 26th
St. Philip Neri
Philippians 4:4-9. John 17:20-26

The peace of God which passes all understanding and the joy which has no ending will be yours as you follow in My steps and receive My love within your heart and mind.

I enter every heart and mind which seek the Father’s will in faith and trust and self-giving and I draw one and all to the fulness of His love for them and for one another as they continue faithful in the Way.

Peace and joy and love – these are the will and will and loving purpose for each and every one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters and communities – whatever the outward circumstances, Pray, then, for love and the peace and joy of Our indwelling will be yours - and the fulfilment of the Father’s will in you, with all made perfect in and through Our redeeming, sanctifying love.