Friday, June 5th
St. Boniface
Acts 26:19-23. John 10:11-16

All who respond to the Father’s Word, faithful in His love, reveal the Father’s love for them and His all-embracing love for those to whom He sends them. And if that faithfulness brings suffering and death they have the consolation and joy of knowing that they walk in the steps of the Son of Man in the grace and power of Love’s indwelling.

I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, am His Shepherd and His all-embracing love to the sons and daughter of His Love. Each one has a place in the Father’s heart and is called to the place assigned to them in Hs Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. Each one who strays is sought and lovingly offered return to the fold and to the Father’s will and loving purpose for, them in the grace and power of Our redeeming, sanctifying love.