Wednesday, June 3rd
St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
2 Maccabees 7:1-2.9-14. Mathew 5:1-12

Become what you are called to be through My indwelling and the light ad guiding of Our Holy Spirit. So will you know and do the Father’s will as you continue obedient to His Word in the grace and power of His Love.

In humility and self-giving to the Father, Lord Most High, enter ad progress in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love – I speak to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Be compassionate to all that Our love may reach out to all you whom meet long the way – to heal and comfort, strengthen and encourage. In search for truth and in the innocence of the new-born babe you will be given to enter the Father’s Presence and all pain and suffering endured in life in His Name will be received and glorify Him and those offering it in faith and absolute self-giving.