Thursday, July 9th
44:18-21,23-29, 45:1-5. Matthew 10:7-15
Rejoice with every part of your
being that you are part of the family
of the Most High and a member of
His Kingdom of eternal life and
light and love. Let all not responding
to the Father’s Word not delay
but give themselves to His will
and loving purpose and receive power
to become a member of His Kingdom.
Such is their birthright as beloved
sons and daughters of the Father;
such is their call and challenge
as potential workers in His Kingdom
and stewards of the wealth and promise
of His eternal Kingdom.
The Father’s will and loving
purpose is fulfilled in all who
give themselves to Love’s
indwelling and the power and directing
of Our loving Holy Spirit.
Look, then, and listen and respond
in faith and trust and absolute
self-giving. I speak to every one
of the Father’s beloved sons
and daughters.