Wednesday, July 15th
St. Bonaventura
3:14-19, Matthew 11:25-27. (Apocalypse
Knowledge, wisdom, understanding
and such love as passes all human
comprehension are the Father’s
gifts to all those to whom He chooses
to bestow on all He calls to reveal
His nature and His will and loving
All are children of the Father’s
love, all called and charged to
reveal and to become His love to
others through their obedience to
His word and faithfulness in and
through His Love.
You are redeemed and sanctified
as you continue faithful in the
Way: through My indwelling and the
light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit
you will be brought to perfection
and fulfilment in the Father’s
Presence in fellowship with all
the redeemed and sanctified in and
through Our love. ‘Only be
faithful and I will give you the
crown of life’.