Sunday, April 26th
4th. After
4:8-12. 1 John 3:1-2, John 10:11-18
There is one God only, Lord of
lords and King of kings, maker of
all things visible and invisible.
I am His Son, loving and beloved,
who entered His created world to
save and – with and through
Our Holy Spirit - sanctify all who
seek truth and power to enter and
progress in eternal life according
to the loving purpose of the Father,
Lord Most High.
Through My life and death and the
grace and power of My risen life
the faithful in Our love are brought
to the Father; wanderers from the
way I seek and bring back to the
fold and the forgiving Presence
of the Father as they turn and seek
restoration in the Way.
Receive the Father’s love
through My eternal offering and
identify with the Father’s
will and loving purpose through
your self-giving.