Wednesday, January 8th
1 John 4:11-18. Mark 6:45-52

I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, am your salvation, your strength and – with and through Our Holy Spirit – the Father’s Presence and Our love within your heart and mind, Be ready to respond at all times and in all places. Relate to me in others and pray that the good purpose of the Father’s perfect will bring you – with all who are in Me and I in them – closer to Him and to each other. Such is the Father’s loving purpose for you, for them and for all in the Father’s world both near and far.

Pray for faithfulness and obedience to the Father’s will in all things, small and great. The Father draws all who love in Him and He in them to progress in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love and empowers them in His love as they continue faithful. Do not be afraid of the changes and chances of this fleeting world or of contrary circumstance which arise in the life of one and all. I am your peace, your power for progress and perfection in and through Our Holy Spirit in the Father in the fulness of eternity.