Wednesday, January 29th
2 Samuel 7:4-17. Mark 4:1-20
The Most High does not need place or circumstance to relate to those who live and move and have their being. He is Lord of All and though the children of His love may turn from Him yet is He still around their coming and their going, waiting for their turning and returning to the Source of their being and the hope of their everlasting glory.
But the Most High, father of every child born into the world, does seek to enter every heart and mind and the soul of community and nation to reign in love and to draw one and all into the joy and power of His loving and establish His Kingdom in the world of His creation. For though all are born in time yet is the fulness of all human life in eternity: yet eternity is now and extends beyond the limitations of their mortal life, its fulness depending on the faithfulness of each one in Love and loving and obedience to the Father’s Word in life and living.
Then pray for love that Love may make His home in you and bring you to the fulness of your heavenly Father’s will and loving purpose in time and through eternity.