Sunday, February 9th
Isaiah 58:7-10. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Mathew 7:1-4,6-7

Do today what is in your heart and mind regarding giving and sharing substance and call on your sister and your brother soon – in and through the light that lightens you daily and illumines your comings and your goings day by day.

I, the Light which shines in darkness and in the shadow of the passage into Light Eternal call, lead and – with and through Our Holy Spirit – guide one and all who respond to the light of My Presence and bring them to the Most High, Lord of all, to offer all that they are and have accomplished in their life to Him who perfects, fulfills and welcomes into his glorious Presence.

It is enough to receive the Father’s Love and to respond to His will and loving purpose through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. We will empower, enlighten, teach and bring the faithful in Our love to the Father in time and through eternity. Pray that Our light may shine in your heart and mind and life that you may glorify your heavenly Father and illumine the path for those you meet and pray for day by day.