Tuesday, November 12th
Wisdom 2:23-3:9. Luke :7-10

The Most High, creator of all that lives and moves and has its being has loved into existence sons and daughters and calls each and every one into life and progress and fulfilment in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and everlasting love and to become His image in His created world.

And I, Firstborn in His creation, beloved and loving, am His Word and Love Incarnate in the heart and mind of all who seek in faith and trust and in self giving to find truth and follow as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit in and through the grace and power of My indwelling.

The open secret of all faithful following in the way We call and lead, enable and empower is that all who seek the Father’s will and do it in and through Our love are brought to perfection and fulfilment in the Father’s Presence in the fulness of eternity.