Tuesday, December 24th
Christmas Eve
2 Samuel 7:1-5.,8-12,14-16. Luke 1:67-79
I, the Word incarnate of the Most at High and His incarnate Love, bring penitence and give salvation in the Name of Him who loved them into being and calls them to His Presence in time and through eternity. Continually and constantly offer your whole self and all you have been given to the will and loving purpose of he Most High that you may glorify Him in all you say and do in and through the grace and power of Our indwelling. This is a lifetime’s occupation, scarcely accomplished even in the lives and witness of Our saints and holy ones but fully realised in the glorious Presence of the Most High in eternity.
The Most High has sent and continually offers His beloved Son to visit and to live in and with every one of His beloved sons and daughters and to bring light to those who live in darkness and to guide their faithful into the way of peace.
Prepare and worship, worship and prepare that the Sun of righteousness may increasingly shine in you and be Our light and joy to others according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.