Tuesday, December 17th
Genesis 49:8-10. Matthew1:1-17

All things on earth and in heaven have a beginning and an ending but all is caught up in the reality of the Most High: the Kingdom of His power and love encircles all things and enters in all responding to His eternal Word and everlasting Love. The Law of the Most High is gentle yet strong to guard and protect the sons and daughters of their heavenly Father’s love and Our redeeming sanctifying love is power to respond to His will and loving purpose in faith and love and in self-giving.

Each child born into their heavenly Father’s world is a thought in the Almighty’s mind before creation. But each and every one are free to embrace the Father’s will for them in the context of His ever-loving purpose- or reject it, One day all will be revealed when the Most High calls to the fulness of His glorious Presence all who have been perfected and fulfilled in and through the grace and power of our Love.