August 12th
Kings 19:1-8. Ephesians 4:30-5:2.
John 6:41-51
You are a beloved child
of the loving heavenly Father:
I speak to one, I speak
to every one. I, beloved
and loving Son of the Most
High, with Him in creation,
am His redeeming love in
His created world and, with
and through Our Holy Spirit,
restore, perfect and fulfil
according to His will and
loving purpose. But there
needs must be response from
the children of the Father’s
love if the good purpose
of His perfect will is to
begin, progress and prosper
in them, through My indwelling
and the light and guiding
of Our Holy Spirit. The
way is open, truth revealed
and life given to all responsive
to the Father’s word
and faithful in His love.
All the Father’s
beloved sons and daughters
are called to His loving
Presence in time and through
eternity. I, the Father’s
beloved and loving Son,
am His love incarnate and
His incarnate word . All
who come to Me I bring to
the Father, for the Father
and I are one. I am the
Bread of Life offered to
all who seek to walk in
the way of life eternal
in the grace and power of
Our redeeming, sanctifying
‘Come to Me….…learn
from me, for my yoke is
easy and My burden light’.
(Matthew 11l:20)